MJ in her other role as a hiking guide showing off a friendly Jackson chameleon in a Maui rainforest.

In my other role as a hiking guide showing off a friendly Jackson chameleon in a Maui rainforest.

I did not realize that my two books had the same theme until after I wrote It Takes Only One. I self-published Voices of Wisdom Hawaiian Elders Speak in 1999, knowing that these Hawaiian Elders were the ones who kept their culture alive. But, i didn’t realize that, yes, in fact, they prove my point: their culture is now thriving due to the excellence and diligence of each one of these 24 elders. It took George Na’ope to keep the ancient hula dances alive; it took Pua Van Dorpe to single-handedly resurrect the once-dead craft of kapa cloth making; it took Nainoa Thompson to navigate the first Polynesian canoe in modern times.

This theme, It Takes Only One, is critical for all of us who want to lead lives of excellence and pursue our personal mission. It took me decades to discover this important truth. I hope Baby Blue helps you open to your own possibilities.